After an arduous journey to completion I’m bursting with pride, to present ‘I Miss Your Love – the remixes’.

My comrades on this devilish journey have been DJ Absolutely Shit (Red Laser Records), Brian Not Brian (Going Good Records/Midnight Drive), Piers Harrison (Soft Rocks/Mysticisms) and Ruf Dug (my mycelium mentor and allegedly the real flautist behind *that* Anchorman scene).


The A-side is an insane breakbeat hardcore odyssey designed to pummel your temporal lobe into a higher state of grace. There are so many surprises and so much intricate detail in this record you have to listen to it 666 times to catch everything. Imagine if Gene Krupa turned up at Red Laser and played along at peak time asking only for a base speed-laced bottle of Kiwi 20/20 on his rider. No, that’s no even close. By the time that gated vocal comes in you’re in another fucking dimension. I’ve seen this track tear the sky a new one every time it’s been played, from Glastonbury to the White Hotel.


The B1 is a repress of the Club Mix that you’ve all been mithering me for, mixed by Bonar Bradberry through his cosmically charged Bozak, described by TEST PRESSING as “a modern classic.”


The B2 is a cavernous Disco Dub created live in Silsila Studios by stalwarts of the underground Brian & Piers, and you can certainly hear those faders getting the ride of their lives. This is a track you can truly climb inside and it creates a dramatic spiritual energy wherever it is unleashed. It makes full use of that slamming snare and, fuck me, is that a banjo? The dubby smears, insistent congas and tasty samples put me in mind of some of Joe Clausell’s ‘Instant House’ dubs from the early 90s. Thanks to Kylin Tyce for engineering this session.

So there you go. Are you in?